Benefits of Offering In-House Vegan Vitamin D Supplements

When looking at ways to enhance the health of your patients, offering supplements is a great option. Supplements are well-known for their ability to enhance bodily health. In fact, over 170 million Americans use dietary supplements regularly.

There are some vitamins and supplements that may help more than others based on the quality of the products and your patients’ specific needs.

One of the most common supplements people take is some form of vitamin D. For decades now, health specialists have found that the number of Americans receiving adequate levels of Vitamin D dropped from 60% in the early 1990s to 30% in the early 2000s. Dietary supplements have become a popular, holistic way to start combatting this deficiency.

With so many vegan vitamin D supplements on the market, it can be difficult for patients to determine which one is best for their pre-existing conditions and lifestyle.

Read on to learn how physicians can help their patients in this process. 

Why Should Doctors Offer In-House Vegan Vitamin D Supplements?

According to a report published in 2011 by the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), roughly 55% of the millions of U.S. residents who take dietary supplements point to their primary physician as their most-trusted source of reliable information on dietary supplements.

By offering vitamin D supplements in-house, doctors and physicians are able to:

  • Ensure their patients consume only the highest quality products
  • Ease their patients’ consumer journey by doing the research for them
  • Get vitamin D in their patients’ hands faster
  • Answer their patients’ questions about use, benefits, side effects, and more
  • Strengthen relationships with patients by offering additional products/services

What Is the Best Vitamin D3 Supplement for My Patients?

Here at Green Leaf Sciences, we provide all-natural, vegan vitamin D3 supplements in the form of capsules (soft gel and regular), gummies, and a spray.

Made with VitaShine, this exclusive source of D3 comes from a special organic plant called lichen, a species that has the ability to grow and accumulate various nutrients, including vitamin D3.

Learn more about the benefits of our vitamin D3 supplements on our website.

At Green Leaf Sciences, we are committed to directly linking scientific discoveries to consumer and patient needs. Through our partnerships with practitioners across the United States, we are able to bridge the gap between high-quality supplements and medical care to create a better patient experience.